Sunday, October 3, 2010

My name is Eljay, and I'm a recovering Facebook addict

Wow, I  can't believe I have been clean and FB-free for five months already!  When my sponsor asked me to speak to the group here tonight, I almost had an anxiety attack.  I told him I had no idea what I could say to help the other members of Facebookers Anonymous.  He just said to tell, "what it was like, what happened, and what it's like now."  OK, Mark, I'll try.  My sponsor asked that I only refer to him as Mark Z., due to his position at a certain social networking site (by the way, Mark, that kid in the movie looks JUST LIKE you!).  Well, Group, here's my tale.

I started out like most of us here in the room; created my profile, found a few friends that I knew, and caught up with a few people.  It was fun at first, but things quickly got more serious.  At first I would "status" once or twice a week.  But soon that wasn't enough.  I started status-ing every day.  And all of us in this room know where that, we need to start commenting on other people's statuses to get our fix.  Then we need to gather more friends to hear what we have to say.  By this point, I should have known I had a problem.  But I figured that as long as I wasn't doing the hard stuff, like Farmville or Mafia Wars, then I couldn't have a problem.  THOSE were the people with a real problem, not me.  But everyone hits their bottom at a different place.

One day, after spending twelve hours having a three-minute conversation over a status/comment cocktail, I looked around and realized that I hadn't done much else.  What was the last book I read?  When was the last time I picked up my guitar?  I don't know.  I knew I had to do something.  I considered signing up for MySpace to take the edge off and wean myself off of FB.  Later, I found out in these rooms that we call that, very tongue-in-cheek, the "MySpace Maintenance Plan," and it never works.  I know that some of us in the group are still trying this, but I am not going to drop any names...

So, I gave myself over to the F.A. program and got my "real" life back.  I've learned a few new chords on my guitar, read several books, and life is good when you are FB-free.  And I owe it all to you in the group for your endless support.  As a matter of fact, Mark Z. and I were talking the other day, trying to figure out how to get the word out about this group.  We were thinking that maybe we should create a new type of website where people can get together with other people and share their thoughts with each other and have it formatted so that people can share their commentary on those thoughts.  And it could be arranged so that you find new "pals" to share your thoughts with.  Too bad a platform like that doesn't already exist.  Just a thought.

Well, Group, my time is up.  Thank you for listening.

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